The four elements of Astrology are earth, fire, water, and air. All these elements rule three signs of the zodiac. These elements are symbolic of the sign's primary nature. The focus here will be on the fire signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius structure the Fire signs in astrology. These Fire signs usually make for energetic people who have a lot of self-confidence naturally. These signs incline to reach things fast than that the slow-moving signs of water and earth. Because air fuels fire, these people are frequently drawn to air signs who can continue with their energy levels.
ARIES – A Cardinal Fire Sign
Mars is the ruler of Aries. Confidence and self-worth are key traits here. Aries wants to be the first in everything. The purpose of Aries is to create something unique, to be the pioneer, and to create new life. He is full of energy and passion and will drive this energy into the improvement of himself.
Aries is active. Adventure, travel, and exploration are the best characteristics. The ruling planet, Mars, characterizes combat, competition, and passion. Mars is a personal planet of intimacy and closeness. The fire trait of this sign reveals the importance of sexual manifestation for Aries.
An Aries can rapidly process complex ethical or environmental variables, finding; what is interfering or irrelevant, to provide a logical answer. Aries continuously wants to know more and improve. Stretching and reaching are their characteristics. Being a cardinal sign, he initiates action naturally and is anxious about developing a true identity.
These qualities make Aries the sign most concerned with initiating and creating the individual identity and then stating it without limits. Mars adds to the picture too when we consider the warrior spirit integral in every Aries. He would like to fight to the end. Mars provides energy and focus as well as drive.
LEO – A Fixed Fire Sign
Like Aries, Leo is also most concerned with confidence and self-worth. As a fire sign, Leo will be concerned with identity. So, when you ponder on the meaning of a fixed fire sign, it becomes clear that Leo is the sign that is concerned with keeping a sense of individuality and being able to express his energy freely.
Like its ruler, the Sun, Leo wants to be the focus of the experience. Showing personal power is more important to Leo. Leos are known to be commanding, influential, and charismatic. Leo can be as natural as a child. He wants to be appreciated and loved by all.
Leos are good at cheering others. Just establish trust with them, and then they will reveal hidden parts of themselves. If they get any project, they will have a hard time completing it. Leos enjoy games, sports, and jokes. They are generally talented in music and arts.Sagittarius represents philosophy and leadership. Usually, people of this sign are influential and ambitious in organizations. These people make excellent preachers and teachers. Sagittarius is sometimes self-indulgent; however, not selfish. They are loyal, optimistic, and patriotic. They continually try to convince others to see things the way they do.
SAGITTARIUS – A Mutable Fire Sign
Sagittarius represents philosophy and leadership. Usually, people of this sign are influential and ambitious in organizations. These people make excellent preachers and teachers. Sagittarius is sometimes self-indulgent; however, not selfish. They are loyal, optimistic, and patriotic. They continually try to convince others to see things the way they do.
Sagittarius exhibits fiery quality because he is intolerant of the details and more concerned with the big picture. Sagittarius is attentive to what is possible and less concerned with what is. At work, they are trustworthy, honest, and prideful. They love praise and attention.